【Follow me Season 2 Episode 1】Simple method to achieve
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Using the Adafruit Circuit Playground Express and 2442 (Servo)
Getting Started Tasks (Required): Build the Development Environment and Light Up the Onboard LED
First visit Circuit Playground Express Download (circuitpython.org) and update the Bootloader first
Copy it directly to the root directory of the USB flash drive that appears after the development board is connected to the computer. Wait for a moment and the development board will automatically restart, then burn CircuitPython, which is similar.
Simple lighting LED
# SPDX-FileCopyrightText: 2021 ladyada for Adafruit Industries
# SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT
"""This example lights up the NeoPixels with a rainbow swirl."""
import time
from adafruit_circuitplayground import cp
from rainbowio import colorwheel
color =(255, 0, 0)
# cp.pixels.auto_write = False
cp.pixels.brightness = 0.01
count = 0
while True:
for j in range(255):
cp.pixels[count] = color
if cp.button_a:
idx = int((count * 256 / len(cp.pixels)+j))
cp.pixels[count] = colorwheel(idx & 255)
cp.pixels[count]= light_off
count += 1
if count >= cp.pixels.n:
count = 0
# while True:
# cp.pixels[1]=(0,0,245)
# cp.pixels[0] = (255, 0, 0)
Basic Task 1 (Must Do): Control the onboard colorful LED, light up the marquee and change the color
# SPDX-FileCopyrightText: 2021 ladyada for Adafruit Industries
# SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT
"""This example lights up the NeoPixels with a rainbow swirl."""
import time
from rainbowio import colorwheel
from adafruit_circuitplayground import cp
def rainbow_cycle(wait):
for j in range(255):
for i in range(cp.pixels.n):
idx = int((i * 256 / len(cp.pixels)) + j)
cp.pixels[i] = colorwheel(idx & 255)
cp.pixels.auto_write = False
cp.pixels.brightness = 0.3
while True:
rainbow_cycle(0.001) # rainbowcycle with 1ms delay per step
Basic Task 2 (Required): Monitor ambient temperature and light, and display comfort level through onboard LEDs
from adafruit_circuitplayground import cp
import time
while True:
temperature_c = cp.temperature
temperature_f = temperature_c * 1.8 + 32
print("Temperature celsius:", temperature_c)
print("Temperature fahrenheit:", temperature_f)
print("Light:", cp.light)
score = 100
if cp.light > 25:
print('The brightness is:',cp.light,'deduct points:',(cp.light-30))
score -= (cp.light-30)
if temperature_c > 27:
score -=(temperature_c-27)*1.5
print('temperature is:',temperature_c,'deduct points:',(temperature_c-27)*1.5)
print("now the score is:",score)
if score<60:
for i in range(cp.pixels.n):
elif score>=60 and score <= 80:
for i in range(cp.pixels.n):
elif score>80:
for i in range(cp.pixels.n):
Low brightness is green, medium brightness is yellow, and high brightness is red.
Basic Task 3 (Required): Proximity Detection - Set a safe distance and display it through the onboard LED. When an intrusion is detected, an audible alarm is triggered.
from adafruit_circuitplayground import cp
from adafruit_circuitplayground.express import cpx
from digitalio import DigitalInOut, Direction,Pull
from analogio import AnalogIn
import time
import board
def wheel(pos):
#input a value 0 to 255 to get a color value.
#The colors are a transition r - g - b - back to r.
if(pos<0) or (pos)>255:
return (0,0,0)
if pos<85:
elif pos<170:
pos -=85
return (0,int(255-pos*3),int(pos*3))
pos -=170
cp.pixels.brightness = 0.2
ir_tx = DigitalInOut(board.IR_TX)
ir_tx.direction = Direction.OUTPUT
proximity = AnalogIn(board.IR_PROXIMITY)
while True:
ir_tx.value = False
proximity_value = proximity.value
print("proximity Level: %d" % proximity_value)
interval_value = (max_value - min_value)/11
proximity_index = (proximity_value - min_value)//interval_value
for p in range(10):
if p<= proximity_index:
cpx.pixels[p] = tuple(int(c*((10-p%10))/10.0) for c in wheel(25*(p%10)))
cpx.pixels[p] = (0,0,0)
if proximity_index >5:
I found that the time for emitting infrared and receiving infrared cannot be too short, otherwise unexpected situations will occur.
Advanced task (must do): Make a tumbler - show the different lighting effects during the movement of the tumbler
from adafruit_circuitplayground import cp
from adafruit_circuitplayground.express import cpx
from digitalio import DigitalInOut, Direction,Pull
from analogio import AnalogIn
import time
import board
import math
def wheel(pos):
#input a value 0 to 255 to get a color value.
#The colors are a transition r - g - b - back to r.
if(pos<0) or (pos)>255:
return (0,0,0)
if pos<85:
elif pos<170:
pos -=85
return (0,int(255-pos*3),int(pos*3))
pos -=170
cp.pixels.brightness = 0.2
while True:
magnitude = math.sqrt(x*x+y*y)
"Accelerometer:(%0.1f,%0.1f,%0.1f) m/s^2;Angle:%0.1f,Magnitude:%0.1f"
% (x,y,z,angle,magnitude)
if magnitude >2:
magnitude = min(magnitude,9.8)
for p in range(10):
if p==(angle*10//360):
int(c*((10-p%10))/10.0) for c in wheel(25*(p%10))
cpx.pixels[p] =(0,0,0)
- Read accelerometer data : Read the acceleration values in the x, y, and z directions of the accelerometer.
- Calculate angle and magnitude : Calculate the angle and magnitude based on the acceleration values in the x and y directions.
- Control the NeoPixel light ring : Control the color of the NeoPixel light ring based on changes in angle and size.
- Loop : Repeat the above steps every second.
Creative Task 2: Squidward - Squidward's tentacles can expand or contract according to the size of the surrounding sound.
from adafruit_circuitplayground import cp
from adafruit_circuitplayground.express import cpx
from digitalio import DigitalInOut, Direction,Pull
import digitalio
import audiobusio
from analogio import AnalogIn
import time
import board
import math
import pwmio
from adafruit_motor import servo
import array
# 定义辅助函数
def mean(values):
return sum(values) / len(values)
def normalized_rms(values):
minbuf = int(mean(values))
sum_of_samples = sum(
float(sample - minbuf) * (sample - minbuf) for sample in values
return math.sqrt(sum_of_samples / len(values))
# 初始化麦克风
mic = audiobusio.PDMIn(
board.MICROPHONE_CLOCK, board.MICROPHONE_DATA, sample_rate=16000, bit_depth=16
# 初始化音频样本数组
samples = array.array("H", [0] * 320)
reachout = False
# # create a PWMOut object on Pin A2.
# pwm = pwmio.PWMOut(board.A2, duty_cycle=2 ** 15, frequency=50)
# # Create a servo object, my_servo.
# my_servo = servo.Servo(pwm)
# create a PWMOut object on Pin A2.
pwm = pwmio.PWMOut(board.A2, frequency=50)
# Create a servo object, my_servo.
my_servo = servo.ContinuousServo(pwm)
temp = 'quiet'
while True:
mic.record(samples, len(samples))
sound_value = normalized_rms(samples)
max_value = 1500
min_value = 150
sound_value = min(sound_value, max_value)
sound_value = max(sound_value, min_value)
if cp.switch:
if sound_value > 300:
if temp == 'quiet':
print("Sound is loud.")
temp = 'loud'
if not reachout:
my_servo.throttle = 1.0
reachout = True
print("Sound Level: %d" % sound_value)
print('reaching out')
my_servo.throttle = 0.0
if temp == 'loud':
print("Sound is quiet.")
temp = 'quiet'
if reachout:
my_servo.throttle = -1.0
print("Sound Level: %d" % sound_value)
reachout = False
my_servo.throttle = 0.0
my_servo.throttle = 0.0
pwm.deinit() # This will deinitialize the PWM output.
# Wait a bit before checking the switch again.
Import the necessary libraries :
adafruit_circuitplayground : Used to access features of the Adafruit Circuit Playground Express or Adafruit Circuit Playground Bluefruit.
adafruit_circuitplayground.express : Same as above.
digitalio : Provides digital input and output functions.
audiobusio : Used to process audio signals.
analogio : Provides analog input and output functions.
time : Provides time-dependent functions, such as sleep() .
board : Provides access to hardware ports.
math : Provides mathematical operation functions.
pwmio : Provide PWM (Pulse Width Modulation) output function.
array : Provides efficient array storage.
adafruit_motor.servo : Provides servo motor control function.
Define the helper function :
mean(values) : Calculates the average of a set of values.
normalized_rms(values) : Calculates the normalized root mean square (RMS) of a set of values.
Initialize the microphone :
- Create a Microphone object using
PDMIn the type, specifying the sample rate and bit depth.
Initialize the audio sample array :
- Create an object containing 320 elements
array.array to store the sound samples.
Initialize the servo motor :
- Create an
PWMOut object, specifying the frequency.
- Create a continuous rotation servo motor object
ContinuousServo .
Define variables :
reachout : Used to track whether the servo is extending.
temp : Used to record the state of sound (noisy or quiet).
Main loop :
- Continuously record sound samples and use
normalized_rms a function to calculate the intensity of the sound.
- Set the maximum and minimum acceptable sound level range.
- If the sound intensity exceeds the threshold (300), then the following actions are performed:
- Outputs "Sound is loud." and changes
temp the value of the variable.
- If
reachout so False , the servo motor is driven to rotate forward (extend), then pause, and then stop rotating.
- If
reachout yes True , log "reaching out".
- If the sound intensity is below the threshold (300), then do the following:
- Outputs "Sound is quiet." and changes
temp the value of the variable.
- If
reachout yes True , the servo motor is driven to reverse (retract), then pause, and then stop rotating.
- If
reachout yes False , log "withdrawing".
- If the slide switch is closed, the servo motor is stopped and the PWM output is canceled.
The main function of this program is to make the servo motor extend when it detects a loud enough sound, and retract when the sound stops. It uses the microphone and slide switch on the Circuit Playground Express/Bluefruit board, and the PWM output to control the servo motor.
PS: I am only a beginner in embedded development, so I still have some problems. For example, I don't know why this servo sometimes moves very slowly when it shouldn't.
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