【Digi-Key Follow me Issue 3】Task Summary Post
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Follow me 3rd phase task summary post
Instructions for designated tasks in this issue: Participants need to use the required board to complete the first five tasks. Task 6, comprehensive practice, is an optional open-ended task. Participants can also customize the questions to complete the comprehensive practice.
1. Mission Completion
Task 1: Use MicroPython system (required task)
Be familiar with the basic operations of Seeed Studio XIAO ESP32C3 development board, install esptool, and flash the MicroPython system to the development board to complete the operation of the entry program
Matching device: Seeed Studio XIAO ESP32C3
Task submission post: [DigiKey Follow me Issue 3] Task 1: Using MicroPython System - DigiKey Technology Zone - Electronic Engineering World - Forum (eeworld.com.cn)
Task 2: Drive the OLED screen on the expansion board (mandatory task)
Use the OLED screen on the expansion board to display text and graphics
Matching devices: Seeed Studio XIAO ESP32C3 , Seeed Studio Expansion Board Base for XIAO
Task submission post: [DigiKey Follow me Issue 3] Task 2: Driving the OLED screen on the expansion board (characters, Chinese, instruments, poems) - DigiKey Technology Zone - Electronic Engineering World Forum (eeworld.com.cn)
Task 3: Control the buzzer to play music (mandatory task)
Use Seeed Studio XIAO ESP32C3 to control the buzzer to emit sounds of different frequencies and play a piece of music
Matching devices: Seeed Studio XIAO ESP32C3 , Seeed Studio Expansion Board Base for XIAO
Task submission post 1: [DigiKey Follow me Issue 3] Task 3: Control the buzzer to play music (play Twinkle Twinkle Little Star) - DigiKey Technology Zone - Electronic Engineering World - Forum (eeworld.com.cn)
Task submission post 2: [DigiKey Follow me Issue 3] Task 3-2: Control the buzzer to play music: Mini player - DigiKey Technology Zone - Electronic Engineering World - Forum (eeworld.com.cn)
Task 4: Connect to WiFi network (mandatory task)
Connect Seeed Studio XIAO ESP32C3 to a WiFi network and access Internet information
Matching devices: Seeed Studio XIAO ESP32C3 , Seeed Studio Expansion Board Base for XIAO , RF ANT 2.4GHZ/5.5GHZ PCB TRACE
Task submission post: [DigiKey Follow me Issue 3] Task 4: Connect to WiFi network (Networking, English sentence of the day) - DigiKey Technology Zone - Electronic Engineering World - Forum (eeworld.com.cn)
Task 5: Using External Sensors (Required)
Connect ambient light sensor or temperature and humidity sensor to obtain sensor value and convert it into real physical quantity
Compatible devices: Seeed Studio XIAO ESP32C3 , Seeed Studio Expansion Board Base for XIAO , Grove - AHT20 I2C Industrial Grade Temperature and Humidity Sensor , Grove - Light Sensor v1.2
Task submission post: [DigiKey Follow me Issue 3] Task 5: Using external sensors: temperature and humidity sensors - DigiKey Technology Zone - Electronic Engineering World - Forum (eeworld.com.cn)
Task 6: Comprehensive practice (optional, not required) : Choose one of the following task requirements to complete, or you can customize and complete tasks of similar difficulty based on your own interests, hobbies and abilities.
■ Subtask 1: Find the location of the WiFi transmitter
Measure the WiFi signal strength in real time and move the development board to find the location of the WiFi transmitter (such as a router).
Task submission post: [DigiKey Follow me Issue 3] Task 6-1: Find the location of the WiFi transmitter - DigiKey Technology Zone - Electronic Engineering World Forum (eeworld.com.cn)
■ Subtask 2: Temperature and humidity data logger
Record the values of the temperature and humidity sensors regularly and display them. The data can be recorded in the development board's built-in storage or sent to the cloud through the IoT service.
Task submission post: [DigiKey Follow me Issue 3] Task 6-2: Temperature and humidity data logger - DigiKey Technology Zone - Electronic Engineering World - Forum (eeworld.com.cn)
■ Subtask 3: Light-on reminder
Monitor the ambient light intensity. If the light is too dim, remind the user to turn on the light through the screen and buzzer to protect eyesight.
Task submission post: [DigiKey Follow me Issue 3] Task 6-3: Light On Reminder - DigiKey Technology Zone - Electronic Engineering World - Forum (eeworld.com.cn)
2. Source code submission
Source code of all tasks: download.eeworld.com.cn/detail/HonestQiao/630251
3. Video Introduction
【To be recorded】
4. Experience
Thanks to the good design of Seeed Studio XIAO ESP32C3 development board, expansion board, sensor, and the convenience of micropython, all the required and optional tasks are completed, as summarized below.
Although ESP32C3 is not the most powerful nor has the most abundant resources in the ESP32 family, it can accomplish a lot of things if its capabilities are fully utilized.
In the process of completing this task, I became familiar with the hardware of ESP32C3 again and became more proficient in using the various functions of MicroPython.
Thanks to Digi-Key and EEWORLD for providing this sprint opportunity. I hope everyone can complete the task successfully.