This article mainly studies the GPIO & EXTI functions of AT32F435. The reference code is AT32F435_437_Firmware_Library_V2.1.2\project\at_start_f435\templates
The code in the template is mainly divided into five parts
①Clock initialization:
②GPIO initialization
③External interrupt initialization
④While (1) Flashing light program
⑤Change the flashing speed in external interrupt
The clock configuration part ① has been completed. This article focuses on parts ②-⑤
Initialization API
Configuration process: First turn on the clock to initialize the GPIO, then configure the GPIO parameters ( very classic )
void at32_led_init(led_type led)
gpio_init_type gpio_init_struct;
/* enable the led clock */
crm_periph_clock_enable(led_gpio_crm_clk[led], TRUE);
/* set default parameter */
/* configure the led gpio */
gpio_init_struct.gpio_drive_strength = GPIO_DRIVE_STRENGTH_STRONGER;
gpio_init_struct.gpio_out_type = GPIO_OUTPUT_PUSH_PULL;
gpio_init_struct.gpio_mode = GPIO_MODE_OUTPUT;
gpio_init_struct.gpio_pins = led_gpio_pin[led];
gpio_init_struct.gpio_pull = GPIO_PULL_NONE;
gpio_init(led_gpio_port[led], &gpio_init_struct);
The configuration parameters of GPIO include IO pin, IO mode, output mode (open drain output, push-pull output, push-pull multiplexing, open drain multiplexing), input mode (input floating, input pull-up, input pull-down, analog input), and drive capability (two levels: strong and weak)
typedef struct
uint32_t gpio_pins; /*!< pins number selection */
gpio_output_type gpio_out_type; /*!< output type selection */
gpio_pull_type gpio_pull; /*!< pull type selection */
gpio_mode_type gpio_mode; /*!< mode selection */
gpio_drive_type gpio_drive_strength; /*!< drive strength selection */
} gpio_init_type;
Function API
Input Mode:
flag_status gpio_input_data_bit_read(gpio_type *gpio_x, uint16_t pins);
uint16_t gpio_input_data_read(gpio_type *gpio_x);
flag_status gpio_output_data_bit_read(gpio_type *gpio_x, uint16_t pins);
uint16_t gpio_output_data_read(gpio_type *gpio_x);
Output Mode:
void gpio_bits_set(gpio_type *gpio_x, uint16_t pins);
void gpio_bits_reset(gpio_type *gpio_x, uint16_t pins);
void gpio_bits_write(gpio_type *gpio_x, uint16_t pins, confirm_state bit_state);
void gpio_port_write(gpio_type *gpio_x, uint16_t port_value);
Enable the EXTI clock in crm, configure the GPIO pins and external interrupt sources, configure the parameters of the external interrupt, assign NVIC priority, and enable NVIC.
void button_exint_init(void)
exint_init_type exint_init_struct;
crm_periph_clock_enable(CRM_SCFG_PERIPH_CLOCK, TRUE);
scfg_exint_line_config(SCFG_PORT_SOURCE_GPIOA, SCFG_PINS_SOURCE0);
exint_init_struct.line_enable = TRUE;
exint_init_struct.line_mode = EXINT_LINE_INTERRUPUT;
exint_init_struct.line_select = EXINT_LINE_0;
exint_init_struct.line_polarity = EXINT_TRIGGER_RISING_EDGE;
nvic_irq_enable(EXINT0_IRQn, 0, 0);
The parameters need to select the type of external interrupt (event or interrupt), interrupt source, polarity (rising edge, falling edge, rising and falling edge), enable bit
typedef struct
exint_line_mode_type line_mode;
uint32_t line_select;
exint_polarity_config_type line_polarity;
confirm_state line_enable;
} exint_init_type;
Function API
void exint_flag_clear(uint32_t exint_line);
flag_status exint_flag_get(uint32_t exint_line);
void exint_software_interrupt_event_generate(uint32_t exint_line);
void exint_interrupt_enable(uint32_t exint_line, confirm_state new_state);
void exint_event_enable(uint32_t exint_line, confirm_state new_state);
Flashing light program rewrite
It is said that being able to light a lamp is the beginning of microcontrollers, but the way it is implemented in the example is not very elegant, so I rewrote it a little bit.
The general idea is to use a uint_32 type variable to record the flashing order of the LED, and then use it to shift in sequence to determine the flashing order of the LED. Therefore, only a periodic schedule is needed to display the complex flashing effect of the LED.
The LED parameter structure is as follows:
typedef struct
gpio_type* led_port;
uint16_t led_pin;
uint8_t blink_tikcs;
x_l_blink_mode_t x_l_blink_mode;
LED Status Type
typedef enum
X_L_LED_ON = 0,
__IO const uint32_t x_l_blink_mode_a = 0x0F0F0F0F;
__IO const uint32_t x_l_blink_mode_b = 0x50505050;
__IO const uint32_t x_l_blink_mode_c = 0x0A0A0A0A;
Light flashing logic
uint8_t mode_a_status = 0;
mode_a_status = (((x_l_blink_mode_a >> (x_l_blink_init->blink_tikcs)) & 0x00000001) == 1) ? 1 : 0;
if (x_l_blink_init->blink_tikcs >= 31)
x_l_blink_init->blink_tikcs = 0;
if (mode_a_status == 1)
Achieve results
By switching the light mode with the keystroke and editing the flashing sequence of the light, you can achieve complex effects.