[2022 Digi-Key Innovation Design Competition] Blockchain service construction
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Briefly describe the solution: Make a simple data collection solution based on Raspberry P400, and store the data on the chain to provide traceability verification.
Today we first build a blockchain service:
Use VMware to build an Ubuntu system. The specific steps for setting up the virtual machine will not be described here.
Install the required dependencies, openssl and curl libraries in the Ubuntu virtual machine. Use the command: sudo apt install -y openssl curl
Download the installation script: curl -#LO https://github.com/FISCO-BCOS/FISCO-BCOS/releases/download/v2.9.0/build_chain.sh && chmod u+x build_chain.sh
If the download is slow, you can directly use the following link:
curl -#LO https://osp-1257653870.cos.ap-guangzhou.myqcloud.com/FISCO-BCOS/FISCO-BCOS/releases/v2.9.0/build_chain.sh && chmod u+x build_chain.sh
There is one more file in the directory after downloading:
Build a single group 4-node alliance chain: bash build_chain.sh -l -p 30300,20200,8545
After success, the console output is as follows:
Start all nodes: bash nodes/
The successful startup is as follows:
Check whether the process is started: ps -ef | grep -v grep | grep fisco-bcos
Build the console:
7.1 Install dependencies: sudo apt install -y default-jdk
7.2 Download the installation script: curl -LO https://github.com/FISCO-BCOS/console/releases/download/v2.9.1/download_console.sh && bash download_console.sh
Similarly, if the download is slow, you can directly use the following link:
curl -#LO https://gitee.com/FISCO-BCOS/console/raw/master-2.0/tools/download_console.sh && bash download_console.sh
7.3 Copy the console configuration file: cp -n console/conf/config-example.toml console/conf/config.toml
7.4 Configure the console certificate: cp -r nodes/* console/conf/
7.5 Start the console: cd ~/fisco/console && bash start.sh
After the console is successfully started, the following figure is shown:
7.6 Test chain service: Enter the command in the console: getNodeVersion to query the version getPeers to obtain node information
7.7 Deploy a simple hello word contract: deploy HelloWorld Deploy demo contract
7.8 Test contract: call HelloWorld 0xb3c223fc0bf6646959f254ac4e4a7e355b50a344 get The address here is the address at the time of deployment
call HelloWorld 0xb3c223fc0bf6646959f254ac4e4a7e355b50a344 set "Hello, FISCO BCOS"