PIN diodes are often used to design switches that control the path of RF signals. Attenuation (isolation) in a series-type PIN circuit decreases as the PIN resistance decreases by increasing the forward current. The opposite occurs with a shunt configuration. If the control bias is quickly switched between high and low (zero) values, the circuit behaves like a switch.
PIN diodes are often used to design a switch that controls the path of the RF signals. The attenuation (isolation) in the series type PIN circuit is decreased as the resistance of the PIN is reduced by increasing the forward current. The opposite occurs for the shunt configuration. If the control bias is switched rapidly between high and low (zero) values, then the circuit acts simply as a switch.
The isolation of the SPST (single-pole, single-throw) PIN diode switch is approximately 50dB at 10MHz and approximately 15dB at 1GHz.
As the bias voltage on the diode changes, the load resistance seen by the source also changes; therefore, isolation (attenuation) is achieved primarily through reflection and partially through dissipation in the PIN diode.
The upper frequency limit of a parallel PIN diode switch is determined by the increase in insertion loss as the diode parasitic capacitance begins to short-circuit the load. However, this frequency limit can be extended by incorporating the diode capacitance, C, into the low-pass filter using a symmetrical matching circuit.
Isolation of a SPST (single-pole-single-throw) PIN diode switch is about 50dB at 10MHz and about 15dB at 1GHz.
As the bias on the diode is varied, the load resistance as seen by the source also varies; consequently, the isolation (attenuation) is achieved primarily by reflection and partly by dissipation in the PIN diode.
The upper frequency limitation in a shunt PIN diode switch is determined by the increase in insertion loss as the diode parasitic capacitance starts to short out the load. However, can be used a symmetrical matching circuit that extends this frequency limitation by incorporating the diode capacitance C, into a low pass filter.
The inductance value L is selected to form a Chebyshev isoripple filter.
By reverse biasing the diode, the capacitance C is reduced.
Higher high frequencies or lower ripple can be obtained.
The inductance value L, is chosen to form a Chebyshev equal ripple filter. The upper frequency is determined by the diode capacitance C, by ripple value, and by R.
Higher upper frequencies or lower ripple may be obtained by lowering the diode capacitance C using reverse bias.
Depending on the performance requirements, the switch can consist of all series diodes, all shunt diodes, or a combination of series and shunt diodes.
Depending on the performance requirements, the switch can consist of all series diodes, all shunt diodes, or a combination of series and shunt diodes.
- Series PIN diode switches are capable of functioning within a wide bandwidth, which is limited by the biasing inductors and DC blocking capacitors. In reverse biased mode the parasitic capacitance of PIN diodes gives rise to poor isolation at microwave frequencies, with a 6dB per octave roll-off versus frequency. In some applications these parasitic elements can be either“tuned-out” by additional external reactance (parallel inductor) which actually is utilized by forming a resonant circuit around the diode. The bandwidth of such structures is, however, limited.
- Series PIN diode switches are capable of operating over a wide bandwidth, which is limited by the bias inductance and DC blocking capacitance. In reverse bias mode, the parasitic capacitance of the PIN diode results in poor isolation at microwave frequencies, with a 6dB roll-off per octave. In some applications, these parasitic elements can be "tuned" with additional external reactance (shunt inductance), in effect exploiting the fact that a resonant circuit is formed around the diode. However, the bandwidth of this structure is limited.
- Shunt PIN diode switches feature high isolation relatively independent of frequency. To turn a switch on, PIN diodes are reversed, and this means a dominant reverse biased capacitance exists. Commonly, designers use a circuit transmission line to create series lumped inductance to achieve a low pass filter effect which enables the switch to work up to the desired frequency. Shunt diodes RF switches have limited frequency bandwidth, arising from the use of theλ/4 transmission lines between the common junction and each shunt diode. At frequency fo, where the transmission lines areλ/4 in length, when diode D1 is forward biased and diode D2 is reverse biased, the RF signal flows from port 3 to port 2, and the RF port 1 will be isolated. Theλ/4 line will transform the short circuit at D1 into an open circuit at the common junction, eliminating any reactive loading at that point. As the frequency is changed from fo, the transmission lines will change in electrical length, creating a mismatch at the common junction.
- Shunt PIN diode switches have high isolation that is relatively independent of frequency. To open a switch, the PIN diode is reversed, which means a major reverse biased capacitor is present. Typically, designers use circuit transmission lines to create a series lumped inductor to achieve a low pass filter effect to enable the switch to operate to the desired frequency. Shunt diode RF switches have limited frequency bandwidth, which is achieved by using a λ/4 transmission line between the common junction and each shunt diode. At a frequency of λ/4, when diode D1 is forward biased and diode D2 is reverse biased, the RF signal flows from port 3 to port 2, and RF port 1 is isolated. The λ/4 line turns the short circuit at D1 into an open circuit at the common junction, eliminating any reactive load at that point. As the frequency changes from fo, the electrical length of the transmission line will change, creating a mismatch at the common junction.
- There are PIN switch designs that use combination of series and shunt diodes (compound switches), and switches that use resonant structures (tuned switches) to improve isolation and insertion loss performance. These switches are more complicated to design and consume higher biasing current compared to series or shunt PIN diode switches.
- There are some PIN switch designs that use a combination of series and shunt diodes (compound switches), as well as switches that use resonant structures (tuned switches) to improve isolation and insertion loss performance. These switch designs are more complex and consume higher bias currents than series or shunt PIN diode switches.
In a PIN diode RF switch design, the biasing path is connected to the RF path of the switch and DC blocking capacitors are needed at the RF ports.
In a PIN diode RF switch design, the bias path is connected to the RF path of the switch and DC blocking capacitors are required at the RF port.
RF chokes (inductors) are used along the biasing paths to avoid RF signal leakage.
RF chokes (inductors) are used along the bias path to avoid RF signal leakage.
- The RF choke must have high impedance at low frequencies so that the RF signal will not leak through the biasing path leading to higher insertion loss. A good rule is the reactance XL of the inductor at working frequency should be at least ten times higher than port impedance. If port impedance is 50Ω the XL > 500Ω At the same time, the RF choke should have a high SRF (self-resonant frequency) to enable broadband switch design.
RF chokes must have high impedance at low frequencies so that the RF signal does not leak through the bias path and cause higher insertion loss. A good rule is that the reactance XL of the inductor at the operating frequency should be at least 10 times higher than the port impedance. If the port impedance is 50Ω XL > 500Ω At the same time, the RF choke should have a high SRF (self-resonant frequency) to achieve a broadband switch design.