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  • Characteristics of small size MOSFET (10)
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  • Duration:22 minutes and 36 seconds
  • Date:2017/04/24
  • Uploader:老白菜

Semiconductor devices are a basic course in microelectronics. After having a certain understanding of the basic principles of semiconductor physics, it is very necessary for microelectronics and related professionals to understand and master the basic theories and physical models of semiconductor devices. This series of courses was explained to us by teacher Jiang Yulong from Fudan University. Teacher Jiang Yulong systematically introduced the working principles of semiconductor devices in integrated circuits, focusing on the physical concepts and physical models of semiconductor devices, as well as basic formula derivation and calculations. Teacher Jiang Yulong's explanations are humorous, vivid, and explain things in simple terms, which are of great benefit to learning this course.
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