• Duration:45 minutes and 11 seconds
  • Date:2016/08/05
  • Uploader:通通
Digital Signal Processing (DSP for short) is an emerging discipline that involves many disciplines and is widely used in many fields. Since the 1960s, with the rapid development of computers and information technology, digital signal processing technology has emerged and developed rapidly. Over the past two decades, digital signal processing has been widely used in communications and other fields. Digital signal processing uses computers or special processing equipment to collect, transform, filter, evaluate, enhance, compress, identify and other signals in digital form to obtain signal forms that meet people's needs.

Digital signal processing is the theory and technology of representing and processing signals digitally. Digital signal processing and analog signal processing are subsets of signal processing. The purpose of digital signal processing is to measure or filter real-world continuous analog signals. Therefore, before digital signal processing, the signal needs to be converted from the analog domain to the digital domain, which is usually achieved through an analog-to-digital converter. The output of digital signal processing is often converted to the analog domain, which is achieved through a digital-to-analog converter. Digital signal processing algorithms require the use of computers or special processing equipment such as digital signal processors (DSPs) and application-specific integrated circuits (ASICs). Digital signal processing technology and equipment have outstanding advantages such as flexibility, accuracy, strong anti-interference, small equipment size, low cost, and high speed, which are incomparable to analog signal processing technology and equipment.
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