I have been engaged in hardware development for almost 4 months and feel the lack of knowledge and experience. Are there any books or websites that can quickly improve my skills? What I need to improv
It was my first time playing with SMD, and I didn't solder it well.I bought an empty board from Taobao, and I wanted to practice my welding skills. Well-welded boards are much more expensive, so I sav
Dear experts, when I was debugging the LM3S9B96 circuit board with the ICDI circuit on the EKK-LM3S8962 board, at the beginning, the download was normal, and after downloading, the 9B96 chip program a
[size=3][b][font=微软雅黑]Event link: [url]https://en.eeworld.com/bbs/TI/201304_TI_C2000/index.html[/url] The deadline for the event is May 19th. The documents to be submitted are: [color=#0000FF][project
[i=s]This post was last edited by HelloWii on 2015-10-9 17:13[/i] [font=微软雅黑][size=5] Regarding forum replies with spam posts, you will often see: [b]Take a look, step on it, pass by. Thanks to the ho