• Duration:7 minutes and 22 seconds
  • Date:2013/05/03
  • Uploader:zhangjianee
keywords: MSP430 OF MCU BIOS

Software interrupts are only found in operating systems. They are a clone of hardware interrupts. In SYSBIOS, their priority is lower than hardware interrupts and higher than task threads. It can have up to 32 priorities. As long as the system resources allow, theoretically an infinite number of software interrupts can be created, while there are only a limited number of hardware interrupts. Since it is managed by SYSBIOS kernel scheduling, the response time is longer than that of hardware interrupts.
The following is about the method of dynamic creation. Special attention should be paid here that software interrupts can only be created in task threads and idle threads. Never create them in software interrupt threads and hardware interrupt threads, otherwise unpredictable events will occur. As a result,
we can see that software interrupts are triggered by programs, while most hardware interrupts are triggered by interrupt events, such as serial port reception interrupt events, which are not necessarily triggered by programs.
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