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  • 2 Development of object-oriented Arduino control program
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  • Duration:11 minutes and 36 seconds
  • Date:2014/01/01
  • Uploader:EE资深网友
Course background:
As the complexity of embedded applications based on Arduino becomes higher and higher, the requirements for writing Arduino control programs are also getting higher and higher. Writing control programs that are highly readable, robust, and scalable will greatly test the R&D capabilities of system developers. This course explains how to write good Arduino control code. It is hoped that students will be able to develop their abilities to a higher level after completing their studies.

Core content:
1. Points to note when writing Arduino control programs
2. Writing object-oriented Arduino control code
3. Development software environment for custom function libraries

: Does Arduino IDE

provide materials: Yes

Course level: Beginner

Suitable for people:
Zero basics Enthusiasts of embedded, Internet of Things, and smart hardware
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