Hello everyone, I use Liyutai's camera application and driver platform is WINCE5.0. When taking pictures, an exception occurs when taking the fourth picture. The following message appears in the DNW w
I work as an electronic engineer here, but I don't get paid enough per month. I want to switch to sales. Everyone asked me if it was possible. I said I would switch to sales, but I would not give up m
Few people don't know the cartoon "Tom and Jerry", but few people know what the ending of this cartoon is. There is no ending in the cartoon, but I heard the ending of the radio version when I was in
Exchange source code (VC), I now have the mouse and keyboard driver HOOK (installation without restart) source code and test code. HOOK filter driver, keyboard and mouse can receive and send, driver,
IAR learning notes, let's share together (serial)! IAR for AVR learning notes--data types (the compiler supports ISO/ANSI C basic data types and some additional data types) 1.1. Integer data bool data