I'm working on a forward converter recently, using RCD for excitation reset, and it's basically working normally. However, when the MOS tube is turned on and off, there is a commutation process betwee
The MicroPython commemorative keychains I customized over the weekend have arrived. There are two styles, the Minions and the Baymax, which are very beautiful (the keychains will be given with the dev
[i=s]This post was last edited by freebsder on 2020-4-7 23:13[/i]Simplification is not simple. Simplification only simplifies the production process of the Linux system, and the target system produced
[b][color=#ff0000][font=微软雅黑][size=3] [/size][/font][/color][font=微软雅黑][color=#000000]Tektronix opens up the era of oscilloscopes that are faster than the "core"[/color][/font] [/b] Tek049 - have you