[i=s]This post was last edited by paulhyde on 2014-9-15 09:38[/i] I have a graduation project to do, but I have no idea what to do. Can anyone who has done it send me a copy? I would be very grateful!
[p=26, null, left][color=rgb(79, 79, 79)][size=4] 1) The transistors in the pulse circuit work in a switching state. In most cases, the transistor works in the saturation region or cutoff region of th
The code fixed in Flash is first moved to SDRAM for execution, but when an interrupt occurs, it seems to run back to Flash for execution. What is going on? How can I make the interrupt also run in SDR
The voltage source has a stable output voltage, the current source has a stable output current, so the power source should have a stable output power. This makes me wonder, how can the output power be
Development tools: 2005 .net Device operating system: ce4.2 symbol MC3000 compact 2.0 sp1 has been installed compact 2.0 sp2 has been installed Code: No code has been written, just create a Form, add