The sensor of the test system is subject to electromagnetic interference from the object being tested - an electric motor with a rotation speed between 1 and 30 Hz. The output of the sensor is an alte
The source program of avr microcontroller is as follows://ICC-AVR application builder: 2018/6/1 21:34:07// Target: M16// Crystal: 8.0000Mhz
#include iom16v.h#include macros.h#include "SPI.h"#include"k
[align=left][font=微软雅黑][size=3]Power supply technology, especially the development of digital power supply technology, has made great progress. As a type of power supply widely used in industry, agric
Use 34063 to step down 12V to 5V. Use oscilloscope to measure 5V Vpp as 416mV. Is it normal? The output Vpp of AMS1117-3.3 is 280mV. Is it normal? Schematic diagram5V3.3V