[backcolor=rgb(239, 245, 249)]When using STm32L151RCT6, PA5, 6, 7 as the interface of SPI1, there is a problem when using the GPIO_PinAFConfig() function. // GPIO_PinAFConfig(GPIOA,GPIO_Pin_5,GPIO_AF_
First of all, thanks to soso:lol for providing the F2802x_CSP_RTM upgrade programming plug-in. It is so simple to find the 28027 example, that is, download the 2802X library file. There is a flash exa
I have been developing battery chargers for several years. There are many articles on the Internet about how to calculate SOC. I used to read other people's papers, such as neural networks. However, i
Compared with the application of RFID in the United States, and the relevant legislative procedures have been initiated, our greater concern is that China's RFID application may have lagged far behind
This post collects some winning works of the 2012 competition, all of which can be downloaded directly without points. [/size] [size=4] [/size][list] [*][size=4][url=https://download.eeworld.com.cn/so