STM32 uses the internal RC oscillator HSI, but OSC_IN and OSC_OUT are still connected to the external crystal oscillator. Does it affect the hardware circuit and program operation? Is there any theore
[i=s]This post was last edited by shihuntaotie on 2019-1-3 10:41[/i] I have received the kit for a few days. I have tried the built-in program and ran the first test program. Today, I will take a clos
DIY mobile phone + Blue Rain Night FM function test first test a few AT commands, then turn on FM, and then tune to 91.0MHZ [media=x,500,375][/media]
It was not easy, but I finally succeeded. To summarize: 1. In the /etc/exports on page 202 of the miniarm2440 manual, in the content /opt/FriendARM/MINI2440/root_nfs *(rw,sync,no_root_sqush), MINI2440
Windows Mobile 6.0 system portingProject budget:¥ 10,000~20,000
Development cycle: 35 days
Project Category: Embedded
Bidding requirements:Project tags:C/C++Project Description:
The PXA310 WM6.0 syste