• Duration:26 minutes and 58 seconds
  • Date:2023/10/29
  • Uploader:Lemontree
keywords: PCB impedance
What is impedance? How should multi-layer boards be stacked? How thick should the PCB traces be? Are these problems very familiar? This is a common problem for many engineers. In fact, this is a problem of not understanding the lamination and impedance. In this live broadcast, we comprehensively analyze the stacking control of multi-layer boards and how to calculate impedance, and teach you how to easily solve the impedance and stacking in high-speed PCB design.

Live broadcast outline

1. What is impedance and why should it be controlled?

2. What is the principle of layering?

3. How to understand the reference layer of PCB?

4. 4-layer/6-layer/8-layer common stackup examples

5. Examples demonstrating multilayer board stackup calculation and impedance calculation
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