I made a circuit that boosts the voltage from a 3.7V lithium battery to 5V before. It burned up after soldering on the board. The MOS tube broke down. I suspect it was caused by static electricity or
I recently made a 24610 charging board. The schematic diagram is as follows. The current phenomenon is that after plugging in a 12V power supply, the power good light keeps flashing, the charging ligh
What is the difference between the prefixes TMS and TMX of DSP chips?Some people say that all samples applied for are TMX and do not have TI's logo, while batch production is TMS and has TI's logo. Is
I read some stuff about SD card on the Internet, and I will summarize it here. 1. Introduction: SD card (Secure Digital Memory Card) is a new type of storage device designed to meet the requirements o
This is a simulation test of a DC24V to 3.3V power chip that is frequently short-circuited. The oscilloscope test waveforms are basically the same for the two wiring methods.
The short-circuit mode is