Sharp has made a super cute robot that can make calls and project :[font=微软雅黑][size=3]This cute robot phone RoBoHoN comes from Sharp. In addition to making
With the development of integrated technology, the cost performance of high-speed analog-to-digital converters has been continuously improved, and their application scope has become wider and wider. E
This is my program #include
#define SS0
#define SCK1
#define MOSI2
#define MISO3
#define OE7
#define SS_H()PORTB|=(1
Mega128 HC595 drives four-in-one digital tube
According to the timing requirements, we set the VM/VDEN signal as the ENAB signal of the LCD, and the VCLK signal as the NCLK signal of the LCD. To obtain the appropriate VM and VCLK waveforms, we mu