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  • Program design for reporting battery power (2)
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  • Duration:14 minutes and 15 seconds
  • Date:2023/07/03
  • Uploader:桂花蒸
keywords: Internet of Things
This course has three major themes, namely [Hardware PCB Design], [MCU Programming] and [Cloud Platform Application Design].

1-[Hardware PCB] The theme is from the second to the twenty-fourth episode, teaching everyone how to draw from symbol drawing to the design of the entire PCB, PCB proofing, component selection and purchase, and welding.
2-[MCU Programming] and [Cloud Platform Application Design] themes are from episode 25 to episode 52. They will teach you how to create new projects, design programs and BC20 serial port communication, battery voltage detection, AT command processing, cloud The entire design process of platform construction. Teach you in detail how to develop BC20-NBIoT locator from scratch
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