Can I add python3.7 to the imx6ull qt system? The original one is L4115-fsl-image-qt5-myimx6a7.tar.bz2opencv 1.16.2matplotlib 3.1.1pandas 0.24.1deap 1.2.2Pillow 5.4.1scikit-learn 0.20.2K
The target environment requires a 100KHZ signal. It seems that the range of the external XT1 and XT2 cannot meet 100KHZ. What will happen if a 100K crystal is connected?
Hello everyone, when I use the CFile class to open a file in a vs8-based smart device project, I find that I cannot open the file. The code is as follows: CFile file; CFileException ex; BOOL bBool = f
I am using the KEIL5.25 platform. I was able to use the GD32E230C normally before upgrading to the GD32E231C. Since upgrading to the 231 development board, the 230 development board cannot be download