I wanted to make a frequency detection, but couldn't do it.. so I had to start with something simple. I wrote a square wave generator, which can adjust the frequency with buttons. Without PLL, the hig
[i=s]This post was last edited by zhang2017yi on 2017-12-22 07:52[/i] The practicality of mobile navigation software. Now mobile phones can install GPS navigation software, making mobile navigation po
[code] /*The first three digits of the digital tube display a stopwatch, running at 1% second speed from 000 to 999*/ #include
#define UINT unsigned int
#define UCHAR unsigned char
sbit s2 = P3 ^ 4;
1. Design a device that can transfer data without a computer 2. Content and features: Use 51 single-chip microcomputer to design a USB device transfer interface to realize the function of reading data
Brainwave system can control cars and brakes, thus avoiding accidents. Let's discuss and research industrial equipment, PLC, C++, LABVIEW, VBS, CSWIN, VBNET, and other fields.