• Duration:40 minutes and 41 seconds
  • Date:2022/10/31
  • Uploader:桂花蒸

Signal processing technology involves many disciplines and is applied in many fields. It has a relatively complete theoretical system and requires strong engineering practice. For a long time, people with educational backgrounds in control and electrical majors have generally had solid knowledge of linear systems but weak knowledge of signal analysis and processing. Therefore, the "Power Engineering Signal Processing Application" course is a major and successful reform of undergraduate teaching in electrical majors.

Chapter 1 Introduction to Algorithms and Fourier's Algorithm
01-01 Introduction to Algorithms
01-02 Fourier's Algorithm
Chapter 2 Least Squares Algorithm
02-01 Algorithm Theory
02-02 Algorithm Application
Chapter 3 Kalman Filtering
03-01 Algorithm Theory
03- 02 Algorithm Application
Chapter 4 Synchrophasor Measurement Unit
Chapter 5 Correlation Analysis
05-01 Algorithm Theory
05-02 Algorithm Application
Chapter 6 PRONY Algorithm
06-01 Algorithm Theory
06-02 Algorithm Application
Chapter 7 Wavelet Analysis
07-01 Algorithm Theory
07-02 Algorithm Application
Chapter 8 Mathematical Morphology
08-01 Algorithm Theory
08-02 Algorithm Application
Chapter 9 Hilbert-Huang Transformation
09-01 Algorithm Theory
09-02 Algorithm Application
Chapter 10 S Transform
10-01 Algorithm Theory
10-02 Algorithm Application
Chapter 11 Fractal
Chapter 12 Test Paper and Others

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