• Duration:21 minutes and 52 seconds
  • Date:2022/06/12
  • Uploader:抛砖引玉
keywords: threadx Azure RTOS
Introduction to Azure RTOS for STM32 and its integration within STM32Cube ecosystem for rapid development and quick time to design.

Today an ever-growing range of applications require high-performance, feature-rich and highly integrated microcontrollers. 
Having ready to use tools and libraries which could speed up the development phase is a must. Azure RTOS with its associated tools: TraceX, USBX, FileX, NetX plays this role.
Purpose of the workshop is demonstration of each of the components of Azure RTOS ecosystem with connection to STM32 and its STM32Cube tools.
Each of the parts contains lab or demo part which demonstrates practical aspects of those tools usage.

Who should attend this course?
STM32 developers looking for high-performance ecosystem and ready to use libraries for USB, Ethernet, file system
Engineers looking to better understand how Azure RTOS has been integrated within STM32 ecosystem and can be used with STM32 devices
Developers looking for a ready-to-use solutions aligned with STM32 standards in terms of STM32Cube ecosystem and Azure RTOS libraries

Materials related to this session you can find at:

In case of any questions, suggestion, feel free to contact us at our forum at:

Please share with us your feedback on this MOOC using anonymous survey at:

More information about STM32H7 family you can find at:
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