Hello everyone, I bought a USB to serial GPS receiver, which uses a pl2303 conversion chip inside. It converts the serial port to USB. But under the CE6 system, I can't install the driver and can't us
Generally, the output voltage of the regulator is divided by a resistor and compared with the internal reference voltage.
Thereby adjusting the output voltage to reach the desired voltage value.
[i=s]This post was last edited by supermiao123 on 2016-11-16 10:11[/i] [url=http://www.mi.com/toyblock/?cfrom=search]http://www.mi.com/toyblock/?cfrom=search[/url] I'll post a URL first. I saw a new p
The MCU sets the wireless module, but does not issue a command and returns an OK. Could you please help me look at this program? Thank you. void coordinator_set() { wireless_str("+++"); if(strcmp(reok
I used 430 to calculate a 64-bit by 16-bit division, and found that the code increased a lot. Before adding this division, the code length was 0x614, and after adding it, it became 0x1556. I know the
Today, I wrote a single-chip stopwatch based on other people's ideas. The display is 00.00-99.99, but only two digits are displayed in the simulation. The other two digits are not displayed. ORG 0000H