The 125KHZ RFID reader I made can read everything fine when the crystal frequency is 11.0592MHz, but when I increase the crystal frequency to 18.432MHz, it can no longer read. I really want to ask for
[i=s] This post was last edited by lw3968 on 2014-9-25 21:08 [/i] [size=5] I recently learned ucos and made a slight change to the code in the book, but there was no multi-tasking (confused): The code
I am going to use 28377 to write a timer 0 to trigger an AD conversion in the ADCA module, and set the ADCINT1 flag to 1 after the soc0 conversion is completed; however, the program I wrote can enter
SqlCeCommand cmmInsert = new SqlCeCommand("select * from tablesign",cn); SqlCeResultSet rs = cmmInsert.ExecuteResultSet(ResultSetOptions.Updatable|ResultSetOptions.Scrollable); SqlCeUpdatableRecord re
CeSeekDatabaseEx always returns 0. The error is: value 25, The drive cannot locate a specific area or track on the disk. ERROR_SEEK. What is the cause of this? How to solve it?