• Duration:1 hours and 3 minutes and 37 seconds
  • Date:2021/09/07
  • Uploader:hi5

This tutorial is presented to you by Mr. Guozai Luzhui, a man who loves food and sports. Motor control is a relatively comprehensive subject, which involves knowledge in different fields such as motor science, modern control theory, classical control theory, sensors, etc., so making a motor rotate is a very fulfilling thing.

• What is a brushless motor?
• Classification and differences of brushless motors
• Operating principles and control methods of brushless motors
• Position and speed estimation of sensorless control
• Starting method of sensorless control

Practical articles:
• Preparations for turning on the brushless motor
• Identifying motor parameters and trial operation
• Quickly controlling the start and stop of the motor with one button

Demo Kit:
Controller: NUCLEO-F302R8
Driver: X-NUCLEO-IHM07M1

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