The blue color below is the buttom GND copper. The top surface of pin 17 has been copper-plated to GND, and a via is drilled next to it.The GND pin header is on the lower right corner. It is obvious t
As the title says, I need a verified read and write program. It is better to have one read function and one write function. Do not write start, end, ACK, etc. separately, because the microcontroller u
[size=3]TMIGS system is jointly developed by Beijing Jiaotong University, Beijing Municipal Engineering Research Institute, and Beijing Sotong Zifeng Communication Engineering Technology Co., Ltd. The
I have a basic question. I looked through the reference manual but couldn't find the answer. When STM8L enters Halt mode and is awakened by an interrupt, where does the program return to after exiting
[img][/img]1. What is the role of the two 15K resistors in the second stage op amp in this figure? Do they provide bias for the sec