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Today I will study LPM_RAM_DQ. My platform is quartus 7.2 and modelsim 6.5a. My device is the famous cyclone EP1C6Q240C8. My quartus graphic file is [img]C:\Documents and Settings\Tony\Desktop\1_JPG_t
Timers are commonly used in single-chip microcomputers to generate precise timing or other functions. The timer of msp430 can not only complete precise timing, but also generate PWM waveform output an
x86 architecture, VxWorks system, when the DM9000a packet length is 100, there is no packet loss for 1 million packets, and when the packet length is 1470, about 100 packets are lost for 30,000 packet
[i=s] This post was last edited by Feiyangzizi on 2019-1-3 16:15 [/i] [size=5]Following the [url=https://en.eeworld.com/bbs/thread-1066133-1-1.html]air quality sensor [/url], we continued to work. Thi