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  • Duration:16 minutes and 9 seconds
  • Date:2021/08/30
  • Uploader:木犯001号
keywords: integrated circuit
   This course is the main course of the microelectronics major, focusing on the design technology of very large-scale integrated circuits. It is suitable for undergraduates and graduate students in electronics and computer-related majors, and is also suitable for engineers who need to review basic professional knowledge after working.

The teaching content of the course is the basic theory and basic methods of VLSI design. Starting from the introduction of the mainstream technology of CMOS integrated circuits, the main technical foundations of VLSI design are introduced: CMOS device basics, combinational logic circuits, sequential logic circuits, and memory design. The main contents are as follows:

Chapter 1: Overview of VLSI design, understand the methods and technologies of today's VLSI system design. Chapter 2: Principles of MOS transistors: Master the basic structure, model and characteristics of MOS devices, and understand the integrated circuit manufacturing process. Chapter 3: Inverters and combinational logic circuits, master the analysis and design methods of CMOS inverters and combinational logic circuits. Chapter 4: Sequential logic circuits and synchronous design technology; Chapter 5: Design and process interface, understand the relationship and interface between design and process. Chapter 6: Cell library design technology, master the design of standard cells and IO, establish the idea of ​​system modular design; understand the basic layout of integrated circuits. Chapter 7: Memory Design. Chapter 8: Low power consumption topic.

This course was selected into the "National Excellent Online Open Courses" and "Jiangsu Province Online Open Courses" and was funded by the "Jiangsu University Brand Major Construction Project Funding Project". We would like to express our gratitude.

This course will have new and updated content this year, including more combinational logic gates, cutting-edge low-power technologies, new storage technologies, etc.
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