• Duration:21 minutes and 44 seconds
  • Date:2021/05/21
  • Uploader:hi5

In recent years, technologies such as artificial intelligence, big data, and cloud computing have developed rapidly, and biometric technology has also benefited from this. As one of the most important technologies in the field of biometrics, facial recognition technology has been applied to many scenes in daily life. As face recognition technology continues to mature in practical applications, its market demand continues to increase, and face recognition application scenarios are constantly being explored.
NXP's MCU-level face recognition solution can add face recognition functions to IoT products more quickly. This solution provides hardware reference design and software integration services with outstanding advantages, facilitates rapid evaluation and verification development, and meets the needs of face recognition applications in various industries. NXP's MCU-level face recognition solution is implemented using i.MX RT106F, allowing developers to easily and conveniently add face recognition functionality to their MCU-based IoT products. This ultra-small size, integrated software algorithm and hardware The solution can facilitate developers to conduct rapid evaluation and proof-of-concept development. The SLN-VIZN-IOT development kit allows you to create your own facial model offline without the need for a cloud connection, reducing overall cost and design complexity. This solution shortens the time to market, reduces risks and reduces development work to the greatest extent, making it easier for many OEM manufacturers to add facial recognition functions and provide advanced user interfaces for smart homes, smart appliances, smart toys and smart industries. and access control functions.

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