1. Overview: The pulse counting controller has a wide range of uses. It can count the pulses converted from many physical quantities and output control signals. The programmable pulse counter composed
I got a solution from this website: http://www.mscto.com/VC/25800105.html, but there are problems. The excerpt is as follows: [color=#FF0000] Microsoft eMbedded Visual C V3.0 or higher, the software i
I just reinstalled the system, but found that there is no picture viewer! What's going on? I have to install a special picture viewer software acdsee to view pictures. It's really troublesome. Can an
I use avrM16 to do continuous frequency acquisition, and output 500HZ pwm with arbitrary duty cycle (I use 50%). I use T1 to capture, and the port is connected to ICP1. PB3 outputs pwm. Now the proble