• Duration:47 minutes and 23 seconds
  • Date:2019/11/03
  • Uploader:木犯001号
"Embedded Systems and Applications" at the University of Electronic Science and Technology of China is a professional course for master's and undergraduate students in computer, communications, electronic engineering, automation and other majors in colleges and universities. The content of the course is the necessary knowledge for students to develop basic embedded software. It is organized in the order of introduction to embedded systems, basics of embedded hardware, basics of embedded software, embedded operating systems, and embedded software development. The curriculum group has a first-class teaching team with academic subject leaders and professors as the core and young backbone teachers as the main body. They have strong teaching ability, rich practical experience, good unity and cooperation spirit, and active teaching ideas. The curriculum team uses the self-compiled textbooks of the 11th Five-Year Plan of the Commission of Science, Technology and Industry for National Defense, uses diversified advanced teaching methods and methods to teach, and has developed a number of basic experiments, selected experiments, and innovative experimental projects that are beneficial to students' ability cultivation, and has sufficient resources. Multimedia network teaching environment, rich teaching resources, advanced and complete teaching facilities and conditions. It teaches and trains more than 1,000 people in the school's four majors every year, playing a decisive role in UESTC's role in cultivating embedded system development talents needed by the country and society. The course group has always focused on the close integration of teaching, scientific research, and industry, relying on the "Embedded Software Engineering Center" of the University of Electronic Science and Technology of China, the "Key Laboratory of Embedded Computer Software Technology" of Sichuan Province, and the ministerial-level "Key Laboratory of Real-Time Computer Systems and Applications" and industrialized companies, and have carried out extensive and in-depth teaching research and exploration in the aspects of teaching process management, teaching content update, teaching method and means reform, teaching material system construction, and practical teaching system construction and update, and have achieved fruitful results. In 2006, it was rated as a quality course in Sichuan Province, and in 2007, it was rated as a quality course in the country.

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