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  • Automatic control principle 7-2
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  • Duration:45 minutes and 3 seconds
  • Date:2019/07/29
  • Uploader:木犯001号
This course is an important professional basic course for automatic control majors. Its teaching task is to enable students to master the basic concepts of automatic control systems and the basic methods of automatic control system analysis and design (correction), initially master system experimental skills, and learn to use Matlab for control The method of system-assisted analysis and design provides the basic theories and methods of system analysis and design for subsequent courses (modern control theory, computer control systems, industrial process control, etc.), and masters the necessary basic skills for further study. Lay the necessary theoretical foundation.
For students who have passed the 821 Automatic Control Principles direction of Xi'an Jiaotong University, this video tutorial can be used as a learning reference to help you quickly master the key points of the school's professional courses.

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