• Duration:47 minutes and 4 seconds
  • Date:2019/05/26
  • Uploader:抛砖引玉
keywords: Ethernet Networking
This course enables students to learn Ethernet switch-based enterprise network construction technology and WAN-based networking technology based on their existing basic knowledge of computer networks. The main contents are as follows:
Basic principles and network construction methods of 10M, 100M and 1000M Ethernet.
Basic principles and networking methods of Ethernet switches and virtual LAN.
Routers and Layer 3 switching technologies.
The basic working principles of public telephone switching network, packet switching network, digital data network, frame relay network, narrowband ISDN and cable TV network.
WAN access technology.
Network integrated cabling system and network engineering implementation steps.
Networking example analysis.
The course content includes both principle knowledge and practical techniques; it includes both mature popular technologies and new network technologies in recent years.
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