• Duration:48 minutes and 58 seconds
  • Date:2013/01/01
  • Uploader:EE资深网友
keywords: RF NAME
This seminar will discuss the choices and trade-offs involved in RF signal chain design. The main content includes the main advantages and design issues of modulators and demodulators, ISM band transceivers, mixers and multipliers, logarithmic amplifiers, detectors and gain blocks, and other RF products. RF products and application technologies that simplify RF design tasks and significantly improve system performance will also be highlighted. ADI sincerely invites electronic engineering and technical personnel to actively participate in this online seminar, and hopes that this seminar can be helpful to you. Welcome to participate in the ADI video prize-winning Q&A event http://www.eepw.com.cn/event/action/ADI_RF_survey_2/index.html
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