Turing Electronics and Electrical Engineering Series has 44 volumes in total. It is a high-quality study list. I share it with you and hope it will be helpful for your study.Turing official link: [url
Now, search for side-dip switches. Basically, what you find are like this. Long dials. I have the real thing in my hand. The dial is loose when it is not closed. Just touch it lightly and it will move
I believe that many accessory DIYers are very eager to know the details of the manufacturing process of the common CPU, graphics card or memory chip. Today we are here to give you some ideas. The enti
I don't have a development board, but I have a ready-made PDA and PlatformBuilder. I want to use EVC to write a piece of code to display my picture before the WinCE startup screen appears, and run my