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  • Anti-interference design of computer control system (6)
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  • Duration:19 minutes and 5 seconds
  • Date:2019/01/09
  • Uploader:抛砖引玉
This series introduces an overview of computer control, programmable controllers, CP1H series PLC, SIMATIC S7-300PLC and command systems, anti-interference design of computer control systems, etc. The content taught is easy to understand and explains the profound things in a simple way, providing good learning materials for the majority of computer enthusiasts.
Computer control technology is a field based on electronic technology, automatic control technology, and computer application technology. With computer control technology as the core, it integrates programmable control technology, single-chip microcomputer technology, and computer network technology to achieve the precision of production technology and production equipment. It is a specialized discipline of informatization, automation of production processes and optimization of electromechanical control systems. Enterprises have a great demand for specialized talents with strong computer control technology application capabilities.
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