Dear brothers and sisters, please help me. Why does the MPU6050 of my balancing car change the number when it is tilted, but becomes 0 when it stops? I use Kalman filtering. The car keeps shaking ther
Each IO port has a data buffer and a latch. I saw the latch, but I didn't find the buffer. Could it be the pin? Another question is, reading the port can be divided into reading the latch and reading
Hello, EE forum friends: Considering the various problems you encounter when posting on the forum, such as the incomplete picture upload function, the incomplete code function, the incomplete editing
[b]Table of Contents:[/b] Chapter 1 Basic Knowledge 1 1.1 Understanding Assembly Language 1 1.1.1 Machine Language 1 1.1.2 Assembly Language 2 1.1.3 High-Level Language 3 1.1.4 Evaluation of Assembly