• Duration:6 minutes and 33 seconds
  • Date:2013/01/01
  • Uploader:EE资深网友
SmartMesh IP is a ready-to-use, low-power mesh network solution that supports IPv6 from Linear Technology's Dust Networks product group. All mesh network complexity is handled internally, allowing you to focus on your application. To simplify integrating SmartMesh IP networks into your wireless sensing system, we provide a series of documentation, application notes, and code examples. This video is designed to help you get started with development using the SmartMesh IP Starter Kit. It illustrates the rapid deployment of a SmartMesh IP network in a real-world environment and direct measurement of its performance. In particular, you will use the application examples in the SmartMesh Software Development Kit (SDK) to explore the "out-of-the-box" capabilities of SmartMesh IP networks. SmartMesh SDK is a collection of Python modules and applications provided as source code. We'll use application examples from the SmartMesh SDK to explore key elements of a SmartMesh IP network: changing the data reporting rate of nodes in the network, triggering an action on a network node, and exploring achievable data rates. This video uses the DC9000A SmartMesh IP Starter Kit and the software downloaded from the www.linear.com.cn website. In the concluding part of the video, we discuss more advanced use cases and provide some ideas on how to integrate SmartMesh IP into your system.
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