• Duration:4 minutes and 25 seconds
  • Date:2013/01/01
  • Uploader:EE资深网友
The vast array of electronics in cars must have reasonably low electromagnetic interference (EMI) to avoid interfering with radio reception, GPS navigation tools and other forms of communications and broadcasting. Switch-mode regulators are commonly used in this environment and must be designed to mitigate their inherent noise characteristics. Doing this is not always easy, especially since the power and number of electronics in cars continues to increase. Linear Technology's LT®3795 breaks new ground in LED drivers by utilizing a triangle wave spread spectrum modulation to achieve high power automotive LED driver conversion, rugged short circuit protection and reduced EMI. Spread spectrum modulation of LED drivers is designed to work with LED drivers and avoid possible LED flicker when the LED is running at full power and uses PWM dimming for brightness control.
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