• Duration:8 minutes and 28 seconds
  • Date:2013/01/01
  • Uploader:EE资深网友
A 16kW-hr battery pack composed of lithium-ion cells powers electric vehicles and stores grid energy. Measurement ICs such as the LTC®6804 are used to extend the life and ensure the safety of battery packs. The accuracy of the measurement IC affects the cost of the system.
The LTC6804 can measure battery voltage with a total measurement error of less than 1.2mV. Multiple sets of LTC6804 ICs can quickly and accurately measure the voltage of hundreds of cells in noisy environments. Accurate measurements mean fewer cells are needed to meet energy storage requirements.
The new “isoSPI” two-wire isolated data interface further reduces the number of components in the battery pack while enhancing immunity to electromagnetic interference (EMI).
High-precision data acquisition, robust performance and simple circuitry make the LTC6804 the new standard in battery monitoring.
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