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  • ADI Voice Interaction System Solution: Software
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  • Duration:28 minutes and 32 seconds
  • Date:2018/09/10
  • Uploader:hi5

This seminar mainly introduces wake-up and far-field signal processing solutions based on ADI's voice processing DSP as the core. The design of this solution is based on ADADN8080 processor + WIFI MCU/Raspberry Pi + audio CODEC + analog PA/digital PA. Based on this solution, low-power smart speaker solutions, far-field voice collection, far-field teleconferencing systems, ultra-low standby far-field voice wake-up and interactive TV solutions can be realized. 

This seminar will introduce in detail the main configuration, functions and interfaces of the ADADN8080 processor, as well as the hardware architecture and functions of the entire solution. At the same time, the LINUX software and FREERTOS software system of this hardware system will also be introduced. We will further introduce how to adapt to Baidu and Amazon's cloud to complete the voice interaction function. In conjunction with the motherboard, ADI has also developed a set of adapter boards that can directly connect computers, mobile phones and other devices using Bluetooth or USB.

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