• Duration:6 minutes and 46 seconds
  • Date:2013/01/01
  • Uploader:EE资深网友
keywords: EMI Linear DC DC
Linear Technology's technological achievements in switching regulator performance and innovative packaging methods have resulted in a new generation of point-of-load DC/DC regulators that compress and encapsulate all circuit components in a single form factor It is housed in a very tiny package, so it looks similar to a surface mount IC. These high-end point-of-load μModule regulators are complete solutions that include DC/DC controllers, MOSFETs, inductors, input and output bypass capacitors, and compensation circuitry.

Linear Technology also understands that EMI can be a difficult problem to deal with, so this new line of low-noise μModule DC/DC converters is not only easy to use, but the noise is low enough to alleviate the problem in your design from the beginning. EMI issues. The μModule family is backed by Linear Technology's rigorous testing and high-reliability processes, simplifying power product design and layout.
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