Dear experts, I want to copy the electronic circuit module I designed originally, but when I copy it to the new circuit diagram, the labels of the resistors and capacitors are lost and all become R? ,
1. About the definition of segments The target file contains at least three default segments: .text The text segment usually contains executable The data segment usually contains initialized
Hello, teachers. I am working on DSP control of BLDC. Now I have found a problem. I changed the given speed. After speed PID adjustment, the duty cycle also changed, but the motor speed did not change
2007 Global 430DAY Seminar and MSP430 Technical Training 14-City Tour is now open for registration Since the MSP430 series of microcontrollers entered the Chinese market in 1999, they have been favor
1. I DIYed the circuit designed by myself for the quadcopter. The test found that the chip worked normally, the test light could also light up normally, and the mpu6050 could work normally through the
Does nrf24l01 need two microcontrollers to send and receive? Can I use only one microcontroller? Can you share with me the sending and receiving program of one microcontroller?