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  • Duration:21 minutes and 50 seconds
  • Date:2018/06/07
  • Uploader:老白菜
Automatic control theory is a core professional basic course in the automation discipline, and is also the theoretical basis for the research and design of complex engineering control systems. This course, also known as classical control theory, includes (1) Introduction to control systems, focusing on feedback principles; (2) Modeling of control systems, focusing on differential equations and mechanism method modeling, Laplace transform, and transfer functions. , frequency response model, data-driven model and the composition and block diagram transformation of typical control systems; (3) Analysis and performance evaluation of control systems, including the time response, structural properties, stability, steady-state accuracy, dynamic performance and timing of dynamic systems. Domain-frequency domain analysis method; (4) Frequency domain design of control system, PID controller and parameter tuning method, lead and lag correction.
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