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  • Lecture 3: FreeRTOS transplantation on STM32F7
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  • Duration:32 minutes and 28 seconds
  • Date:2019/03/23
  • Uploader:老白菜
"FreeRTOS Source Code Detailed Explanation and Application Development: Based on STM32" is supplemented by a large number of routines to comprehensively explain the principles and source code of FreeRTOS. The main content includes task management and task scheduling, system reduction and configuration, time management, queues, semaphores, software Timers, event flag groups, task notifications, low-power Tickless mode, idle tasks and memory management, etc. At the same time, "FreeRTOS Source Code Detailed Explanation and Application Development: Based on STM32" is equipped with a large number of illustrations, which is a good choice for those who want to learn the principles of RTOS systems in depth.

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