This course explains FTL server construction, HTTP server construction and LINUX programming, shell programming and process management, network configuration, etc.
Is this how the circuit diagram above works? When there is 12V, the MOS tube is not turned on, and 12V is output through the Schottky diode. When there is no 12V, the MOS tube is turned on and the bat
My first contact with msp430 came from the book "MSP430 Series Microcontroller System Engineering Design and Practice" published by Machinery Industry Press; I started to participate in electronic des
Everything starts with destruction... In the backyard of the house, the rectangular outer shell of the washing machine was dismantled. With a screwdriver and a hammer, the pieces of the washing machin
RasSetEntryProperties This function has two parameters that I don't quite understand how to set, one is LPCTSTR lpszEntry and the other is LPBYTE lpbDeviceInfo; 1. How should the parameters in lpszEnt
Because I recently installed Win7, which is not compatible with pb4.2, I have no choice but to use a virtual machine to install these software. However, after installing pb4.2, when running, the scree