I would like to ask you why the voltage drop of DS tube is so large when I use 3.3V to control CEG8205A? Has anyone used CEG8205 or has relevant control experience? Can you give me some advice? Or giv
I have a question, and I hope that friends from eeworld can help me. My job is to do embedded development, and I am a novice among novices. My main job now is to upgrade the Solaris system from 32-bit
[size=14px]The interface I want to display is as shown above. First, a large form is displayed. Click the query button, and a small form pops up. Now the large form is displayed. Click the query butto
In 2007, I went to a small company for an interview with two years of work experience. After the written test, the other party was very impressed with me. But at that time, he said: "I need to hire so
I just checked the data sheet of stm32101c8, on page 13, there is a sentenceTranslate:VSSA, VDDA = 2.0 to 3.6 V: External analog power is provided to ADC, reset module, RCS and PLL (when using VDC, th