Live replay: Nexperia - Introduction and application of automotive-grade power MOSFETs and gallium nitride devices in electric vehicles

Live replay: Nexperia - Introduction and application of automotive-grade power MOSFETs and gallium nitride devices in electric vehicles

MOSFETpowerGallium Nitrideelectric car

1. Product introduction of power MOSFET 2. Application of automotive-grade power MOSFET in DCU products 3. Introduction of gallium nitride products 4. Application of gallium nitride products in OBC

Total of 1 lessons52 minutes and 19 seconds

Seminar: Fujitsu talks about automotive-grade FRAM and German-quality naked-eye 3D video technology

Seminar: Fujitsu talks about automotive-grade FRAM and German-quality naked-eye 3D video technology

FORWARD3DFujitsucar regulations

Fujitsu has launched a new FRAM (ferroelectric random access memory) solution that can operate in high temperature environments up to 125 degrees Celsius and complies with the stringent automotive industry AEC Q100 standard specifications. When the vehicle electronic control system performs data analysis or other data processing, it requires memory that can store various data reliably and without delay. Non-volatile, high-speed, high-write-endurance automotive-grade FRAM can meet the needs of such applications with optimal performance. // 3D Global is a German company that is the pioneer and leader of naked-eye 3D video technology. 3D Global's naked-eye 3D video technology allows people to obtain realistic three-dimensional images with space and depth without the need for any auxiliary equipment (such as 3D glasses, helmets, etc.), bringing benefits to application fields such as games, automobiles, and medical care. There is a new change coming.

Total of 3 lessons1 hours and 10 minutes and 22 seconds




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